Just thought this would be appreciated by you all

Made me chuckle.

My lovely lady & I do this every night 🤣

Sad, but y'all got that to look forward to once your over 50 .....


A fully lumed dial beats them all... hehehe


And so does Indiglo... 😜


This guy gets it, my wife agrees!🤣😂🤣😅


Haha, I've done that with my wife as I tuck her in at night.

ME: "I have a treat for you, check out the lume on this watch!"

HER: "OMG that's amazing!"

She's a good sport, humoring me. ❤


Maybe this is why I’m still single…


You know it’s not on my wrist right 🤫😉


I love this, thank you for making me LOL 🙌


Now that’s funny!


I've did this 😂😂😂 everytime I buy new one 🤣


LMAO brilliant!
