Need help identifying this watch I lost 12 years ago

I got this watch when I was 7, and misplaced it somewhere along the way. It means a lot to me, but I’ve come to accept there’s no finding it. Any info on it is highly appreciated. Thank you


Yeah, I got nothing for ya. Just commenting in case it can help bring this to anyone’s attention who may be more helpful. Good luck. 


Uh so was this digital or analog? In which country was it bought?


Uh so was this digital or analog? In which country was it bought?

Good point, as much information as possible would help. 


Looks like some dropped a quarter on a Orange creamsicle


Uh so was this digital or analog? In which country was it bought?

It’s a digital. I’m not sure what make it is. It’s either a Casio, a Timex, or some off brand. It was bought here in the UK at a charity shop back in 2010. 


Looks like some dropped a quarter on a Orange creamsicle
