Is this a fake Seagull?

This watch is on AliExpress and the brand is Seakoss. The movement is a Seagull ST1901. I can't read the Chinese on the bottom. Just trying to figure out if this is a knockoff or a fake. Does the Chinese say Seagull?


Depends on a few factors, first being are you looking for a Genuine Seagull 1963 chrono? The original does have the mechanical ST 1901. But this is not an original and the other problem. Seagull granted rights for anyone to make a 1963 Chronograph and put whatever they wanted on the face even the original branding. On one condition, it had to have the Seagull ST 1901 movement that’s how they got paid. So in reality there are no fakes possible as long as it has the ST 1901. To find an original is around $500, I’ve had or have every 1963 even a quartz where the minute sub dial was really the running seconds. So in my mind if it does have the ST 1901 you’re good.


The bigger question is, what would you consider a real Seagull 1963? There is of course Sea-Gull, which isn't the same as Seagull, and they would sell you this type of watch at a higher price. However, several other Chinese companies produce this watch, such as HKED. Seakoss or Sugess will sell you the type of watch for less.

The movement type will also say very little about quality control. If Sea-Gull can sell their 1963 for about $580, there is probably a reason.

But maybe somebody else has compared these models directly.



This is an original the others are re issues and nothing wrong with that. If I had to rely on one of mine for something crucial it sure as Hell wouldn’t be this one.


Does a fake of a fake make it real?


My main concern is the branding. I don't care if it is a knock off as long as it isn't pretending to be a Sea-Gull since it isn't. I review watches on YouTube and just need to make sure it isn't a "Fake" Sea-Gull. Looking at the Chinese lettering of the original, it appears to be different, but I don't even know what it says.



This is an original 1963 case back but legally if a watch has a genuine Seagull ST1901 movement purchased from Seagull and “Go Jets!” on the face it can’t be considered “a fake.” This is where that word “homage” helps out. But remember dealing with the Chinese, I’ve inspected fake Vostoks that the original can be purchased on Amazon for $45.00.


There's a few seagulls, there's the original seagull and then there's a few others making the same movements and putting them in different watches, who'd have thought that the Chinese are hommaging Chinese watches, but they are. They are the same movements (but QC can vary) so it can be a gamble. I've seen these watches and others, personally I wouldn't worry they're all basically the same, just made in different factories to the same design.



This is an original 1963 case back but legally if a watch has a genuine Seagull ST1901 movement purchased from Seagull and “Go Jets!” on the face it can’t be considered “a fake.” This is where that word “homage” helps out. But remember dealing with the Chinese, I’ve inspected fake Vostoks that the original can be purchased on Amazon for $45.00.

They fake ten dollar Casio.


This maybe helpful (quick answer: kinda but it doesn't really matter)