YouTube reviewers

Why do some wear gloves when reviewing a watch? Seems a tad pretentious and pointless to me.




Don't want to show off their dirty nails? 🤭


I think it's largely for two reasons: avoiding skin oil smudges on polished surfaces and avoiding putting hands under a zoomed in camera, because very few people's hands look good and clean under those conditions. Both of those are basically to avoid detracting from the viewing experience for people who are predisposed to being annoyed by such things.


Can't say I've ever had problems when gloves aren't worn. 😜


I believe some they don’t own and don’t want the watch scratched since they were only sent the piece to review…

But if they wore these…


Then they’re just showing off…🤨


STD’s 🌈


As a nail biter, my nails and fingertips don’t look good and I wouldn’t like to expose them on 1080p while reviewing a watch. I’d wear gloves if I had a review channel just because of that.


I think it's to avoid smudges. It would be really irritating to get the perfect close up shot and then find out later, during editing, that there's a huge fingerprint spoiling it.