Must you always have to wear that watch??

As I write, rain drops settle on my window panes as an unseasonably warm winter delivers it deluge thawed instead of the usual ‘drier fare’ this time of year. As such…I’m not going anywhere today. I’ve got clocks everywhere in the house…as well as Siri and Google at my beckon. But yet…I still must wear a damn watch!


Folded into the ingredients of our penchant for these tiny time tellers, do we detect the taste of bought-in servitude…or do we just plainly like to wear a watch despite working from home, it raining outside…or while sleeping unconcious on our memory foam mattress of choice? Is it a quandary of the human condition…or maybe just another religion which has saturated our minds?


Must you wear a watch rain or shine? Or are you the one under control?


I don't wear a watch to sleep in (many do) but otherwise I have to wear one, I feel undressed without one, it is like when you leave the house without your phone or wallet.


If I’m in a high stress war zone then I wear one 24/7 on me. But at home it’s on my nightstand.