His n Hers

Looks like we both had the same gift idea this Christmas! Not quite matching Cartier’s but maybe this will be her gateway drug into the world of watch collecting 💁‍♂️, Merry Christmas everyone!


Casio…Cartier…same difference right?!


Doesn’t matter…you’re both enjoying the hobby it appears


Doesn’t matter…you’re both enjoying the hobby it appears

The amount I talk about watches she’s certainly picking up all the lingo!


Fantastic his and hers, but get these things synchonized. You're not even on the same date! I'd highly recommend turning on the hourly chime on both. Even if synchronized to the second, they will sound at slightly different times and drift apart over time any way. How romantic is that?


Fantastic his and hers, but get these things synchonized. You're not even on the same date! I'd highly recommend turning on the hourly chime on both. Even if synchronized to the second, they will sound at slightly different times and drift apart over time any way. How romantic is that?

Noticed the odd dates after posting, thankfully after a bit of fiddling we’re now synced up to the second 😂