How do you wear your watch?

I’m curious— I’ve always been an “above the wrist bone” guy but find that you don’t get as much “peek” under your shirt sleeve. Thoughts?
101 votes ·

I think it’s more a comfort thing. I don’t have a very pronounced wrist bone so it’s never bothered me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wearing on or below the bone looks super uncomfortable. Ill never understand it, but looking at the wristshots on here theres a lot of crunchers that do it.


Depends on the watch. For smaller watches, low and looseish on or below the bone.

For bigger ones, typically high and tight above the bone. But there is some slippage definitely.


Above the wrist bone. Otherwise it's a hand watch. That's why they call it a wrist bone.

Plus I don't give a rats a$$ about "peek" under my sleeve. If anyone has an issue with my looking at my watch. they can go pound sand.


To me the sweet spot in terms of tightness is, if it's humid and my wrist swells up a little it has enough grip and it stays on the arm, but if the air is dry it falls down to lay on the wrist bone.

Too loose too tight is not a good fit.


Pretty much on the bone for me.

Me & the Mrs always chuckle at Jody's wrist shots (JOMW) as he seems to favour half way up the arm 😂