Me tresspassing with my seagull(s)


Watch out for those birds.. they look like greedy sods 🤓


You need to get that signal fixed Luke. These two fish and chips snatchers are all over the news 🙄


Birds with arms are hilarious 😂




Awesome!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Awesome post Lukez and liking that watch!


Those are some mutant birds! 🤣😃


They may steel your watch 🤣.


The more I see it the more I like it! Great time piece Luke!!!


I absolutely love this watch! I was looking at it all night!


I absolutely love this watch! I was looking at it all night!

My thoughts after wearing it for 2 days:

  1. The winding mechanism is abit too stiff.

  2. The clasp feels abit cheap.

Otherwise, its a great looking watch.


I like that watch!


I like that watch!


Me Too!


My thoughts after wearing it for 2 days:

  1. The winding mechanism is abit too stiff.

  2. The clasp feels abit cheap.

Otherwise, its a great looking watch.

I'll keep checking in, Honestly I just love everything about the design. There should be an North American version of our dead air screen image




Cool watch.

Cool watch Luke😎