Selling watches through connections on WC

Since I just joined, I don't know what rules, if any, are in place, but have any of you ever bought, sold, or even traded watches within the WatchCrunch club?


Welcome! I recently bought this modded SKX007 from @squirrelprince and it's pretty great. Every once in a while someone will post about selling a watch. I think it's safer than trying ebay or another secondary market.


Welcome! I recently bought this modded SKX007 from @squirrelprince and it's pretty great. Every once in a while someone will post about selling a watch. I think it's safer than trying ebay or another secondary market.


Eyyy I appreciate the shout out man. I honestly didn’t intend on selling it here, I wanted feedback on what the value of this particular piece was! But then I got numerous offers! Regardless, people here are great!


You buy the seller. Make sure the seller has a good reputation and a history of reliability.


I kinda wish you could but understand it changes the platform so much one any sort of sell/buying feature.


Well I think it’s not officially sanctioned, but you do see it from time to time.

With that in mind (!), I have a still wrapped and unused Maen Brooklyn Triple Calendar if anyone wants it:


There's nothing official, but I have bought 5 watches from folks on WC, each time from longstanding members who I've known on here for a year or more.

I wouldn't buy anything pricey on here from someone I didn't know well.


Thanks for the suggestions.