My Small Collection

Speedy145.012-68, Tudor 9411/0,Tudor Tiger 79280, Rolex 5513 Spide Dial, Speedy145.022-69, Delbana Chrono, Omega 166.062 60m, Hamilton RAF, Omega 53 Thin Arrow. Oris 7433B Moonphase.


Excellent choices!


Thank You


Amazing collection!


Sweet .


Holy moly you’ve got some cool watches


Thank You


Great collection! 👍 And I would not call it small.


Thank you


Beautiful collection 👏🏻👏🏻 Iconic selection with a unique style 👌🏻


That Tudor sub is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Bro got two speedys 😱. Love your taste !!!


Yes with different movements 321 & 861


Unreal. The Tudor sub is grail level imo


An unbelievable collection!




Superb range