Speedy Tuesday

Picked up these two speedys one is a 145.012-67 other 145.022-69 got them both for under 8 Grand from my Nephew how did I do.


They are phenomenal, especially for that price; you did very well. I’d wear both with pride happily!


Thank You


You must dislike ur nephew haha … deal!! 👀🙌


He always been my favorite we have the same Bad Habits Watches.




TWO Speedies for "under 8 grand"??? Noticing that you're a retired sheriff's deputy, I can't help but wonder if you knew you were committing grand theft with that deal? ImageSeriously, you got a great deal and I'd want to find some nice way to return the kindness your nephew showed you! Enjoy the watches and your well earned retirement! (from another retired LEO)


Thank You.