Navy Seal seamaster 300 professional

Just saw this on the watches of espionage insta story, does anyone here know about this piece? I think I found the one.


My brother placed the winning bid at an auction for this one.

Pretty cool peice.


My brother placed the winning bid at an auction for this one.

Pretty cool peice.


Stunning, congrats on watch. That story makes it even more fun to own.


It’s a limited edition made on request by the Danish Frogman, Swiss Army also had a low produced number made. Not for public purchase. Would be great if possible though. Looks amazing.


Unit issued pieces are sadly exactly that, issued to serving or former members of various units. The only way to purchase is send in credentials to the company.

Comemorative pieces, while limited in number, occasionally come up for sale used.

For me, unless a family member who was in that unit gave me the watch, or I served with them, etc, I would not personally wear anything with a duty badge I have not earned..Specific job badges (Tridents, Crabs, Daggers, Wings, Chutes, etc) worn in the military are not taken lightly, and usually mean a LOT of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. This would be my opinion of course, and I would never disrespect anyone who purchased one, since they are examples of horological history.


I love Sea300pro nodate, especially Nekton version 💪💪💪


I am a big Onega fan, and have a small collection of vintage ones….never seen one of those but now I might have to start looking


Omega…..just saw the typi


Typo……I can not type to save my life tonight


Typo……I can not type to save my life tonight

You can edit comments btw. I know because mine are generally riddled with typos 😅