Al-PIN-ist or Al-PINE-ist?

I love the You're Terrific YouTube channel. But, he's reviewing the Seiko Alpinist in his latest video and pronouncing it Al-PINE-ist. I've always heard it as Al-PIN-ist. What say you, Crunchers?

165 votes ·

I say it the correct way.


I‘m German, but also speak French and four other languages. Since German and French brand names are routinely butchered horribly, I am already very desensitized. I suppose Japanese speakers have a similar experience 😂


I‘m German, but also speak French and four other languages. Since German and French brand names are routinely butchered horribly, I am already very desensitized. I suppose Japanese speakers have a similar experience 😂

Same here! Although when I heard Evan say Al-pine-ist, I did shout to the screen...


Come on, you know the answer.


I was hoping for option c, "Who the heck cares." 😂

Honestly, English is an amalgamation of so many languages that "how to pronounce it" is a moot point unless you really have no idea what the word is.


It's the second one.