Your Movie Watch: Comedy Edition

As it's rapidly getting hotter here in the South, I am filled with a desire to go on an adventure and to watch my top summer movies. I know there are tons of posts talking or asking about your travel watches, so I thought I'd try a different post.

I'm going to post a list of rules to stick to for the post. And I know, there are going to be movies outside the topic, and don't worry, I'll try to hit other genres in future posts. I'll post answer in the comments.


You're magically transported into one of your favorite summer comedy movies. Only change you can make to yourself as the character would be the watch on your wrist. So, which watch in your existing collection are you wearing?


  1. The movie must be a comedy.

  2. It's something you like to watch during the spring / summer, so it doesn't have to be your all time favorite comedy. Just one you enjoy this time of year.

  3. It's cool if you do a movie someone else posted about already. This is just some fun.

  4. Make sure to post a picture of the watch.

  5. When you mention the movie, don't forget to mention the character whose shoes you'd be in (bonus if you mention who played the role originally). Remember, you wouldn't be the actor, just living the character's life for the duration of the movie.

  6. The watch you're bringing must be in your collection.

Have fun and I hope this inspires you to have a movie night. I look forward to your answers and watches.


Weekend at Bernie's. Great and funny movie. I'd be Larry Wilson (played by Andrew McCarthy). I'd wear my Addiesdive Willard homage.

Which I know I'd lose it or be changing it out when Larry steals Bernie's watch later in the film. 🤣 However, I think it'd go the distance for the whole weekend.


Easy one. Glycine Vacuum, and Cleavon Little's "Bart" from Blazing Saddles. Man rode into town with Gucci saddle and saddlebags, so a nice gold watch seems fitting. Plus, it's a little water resistant, so it'll hold up well when the fist fight breaks out into the studio lot.


Easy one. Glycine Vacuum, and Cleavon Little's "Bart" from Blazing Saddles. Man rode into town with Gucci saddle and saddlebags, so a nice gold watch seems fitting. Plus, it's a little water resistant, so it'll hold up well when the fist fight breaks out into the studio lot.

That's Hedley! 🤣

That watch would definitely fit. Those studio back lot fights can be rough, especially in the cafeteria.