Birthday Surprise

Hey Crunchers! I figured you guys would enjoy this story about how I got my first omega. My birthday was last week on Wednesday, I had been dropping pearls that I reaallllyyyyy wanted this watch to the wife and that she could even bundle it as my birthday and Father’s Day gift if it helped her rationalize haha. Come Wednesday, I opened my presents and no omega. Now, I only got into watches about 1.5 months ago so I was hopeful but happy regardless. She still had 2 PRXs for me (black dial and then the white dial on rubber which was still in transit so she printed the order sheet haha). I was ecstatic with these and still love the beauty of those watches. We had plans to go out with friends on Friday and we had grandma and grandpa watch our little guys so we had to swap cars. When we got in their car, to my massive surprise, there was a gift on the passenger seat with some weight behind it. Of course, I tear it open and am in awe to see the omega box staring back at me. It still hasn’t hit me that I own this one and have grown my collection so quickly. For the plenty foreseeable future-I’ll just be getting everything the wrist time it deserves and telling the wife thanks over and over again!


Let me get this straight… your wife bought you two watches as a red herring and then surprised you with the one you really wanted? You lucky dirty bastard. Happy birthday!


Let me get this straight… your wife bought you two watches as a red herring and then surprised you with the one you really wanted? You lucky dirty bastard. Happy birthday!

x2. Wow, talk about a keeper! I can't imagine what you have to do for her birthday.


Such a nice Aqua Terra. Happy Birthday.


2 great watches, and a hyper great watch. You lucky lucky lucky boy. Oh and a belated happy birthday, you lucky lucky...


She’s a Keeper!! Lucky bastard!! 🎉 Happy Birthday!!

Now! You know you have to top that on her Birthday right 😜… how about a matching his and hers Cartier!!


Beautiful watch, wear in good health OP!