Scratch stories

There are two camps when it comes to scratches on watches—either you’re deathly afraid of them, or you think that scratches adds to a watch’s character or adds a story to it. I was in the first camp and still am to an extent, but now I understand the sentiment of the second camp. Recently, my Alpinist got a small scratch on the case below the 6. This is my story.

My wife and I welcomed our second child about two weeks ago. I wore this watch during our stay at the hospital. I took it off before I took a nap. When I woke up and reached for it, it took an unfortunate fall. 😭 When I picked it up and inspected it, that’s when I saw the scratch. Of course, I was distraught at that moment. But now, every time I see that scratch, it’s a reminder of when my second child was born. 🥹

I’d love to read about some of your scratch stories. Thanks for reading. 🍻


Congratulations on the kid. I don't have any epic tales of getting a scratch while bungee jumping from a helicopter into an active volcano or anything like that. Most of my scratches are because a screen door closed on my watch, or I accidentally banged it into a cabinet hinge while reaching for a bottle of cleaner under the sink.

I wouldn't say I'm afraid to scratch my watches, but I also don't see it as any kind of badge of honor.


Congratulations on the kid. I don't have any epic tales of getting a scratch while bungee jumping from a helicopter into an active volcano or anything like that. Most of my scratches are because a screen door closed on my watch, or I accidentally banged it into a cabinet hinge while reaching for a bottle of cleaner under the sink.

I wouldn't say I'm afraid to scratch my watches, but I also don't see it as any kind of badge of honor.

Excellent perspective 🥂


Congratulations on the kid. I don't have any epic tales of getting a scratch while bungee jumping from a helicopter into an active volcano or anything like that. Most of my scratches are because a screen door closed on my watch, or I accidentally banged it into a cabinet hinge while reaching for a bottle of cleaner under the sink.

I wouldn't say I'm afraid to scratch my watches, but I also don't see it as any kind of badge of honor.

Oh no doubt that my watches also scratches because of things like this. This is just one instance for me in which a scratch became sentimental.


Is it not a THIRD aspect, in which you actually REMOVE the scratch??? In the same way people repair car windows (????) or by polishing... That is something I would enjoy to read more about 😎


I wear my watches all the time,they pick up scratches and even gauge's to the case ,it's part of life I wouldn't have a clue where they were damaged


Awesome story