
Finally got around to ravaging the caseback and replacing the battery. I need to re-do my posta and add some uniformity as this is one of a few watches (i can find currently) that I got in 1 of 2 jars of watches from a local antique store years ago as a kid. Indiglo still works, has kept time that i've ever been aware of, i don't fuss with second handa currently, i just set almost everything 30sec-1min fast and go from there. Been having a "humble craving" of a sorts as of late, wanting simpler, smaller, less noticeable, and ultimately less flash or shine. Likely going to accompany our trip to Jackpot NV tomorrow! 


Nice! I also was desiring a simpler design in a watch and bought my Easy Reader last month. I really dig it! 


Its a awesome travel watch.