Dear all,

I'd like to share an update regarding the 369 project and also hear your thoughts. The prototypes are expected to arrive in Switzerland during the second week of January, leading us to reschedule the launch for the first quarter of 2024. The exact date and time will be shared with subscribers via our monthly newsletter. If you're not a subscriber yet, this is the perfect moment to do so, collaborate with the project, and enjoy the benefit of a massive 30% discount off the future retail price.


To ensure the 369 is perfectly in sync with your style, I kindly request that you take a moment to share your preferences by filling out a short survey form on our website, which will take less than a minute. Your participation will contribute to crafting a custom-tailored launch campaign. Your support is greatly appreciated.


THANK you! 🙏



Ok … I love the case on this one!!


You might want to dial down the touchy-feely cosmic bollocks a bit in your marketing spiel. It’s trying too hard to feel deep and meaningful but just comes across as meaningless nonsense.

It’s actually put me off your company and this watch.


The red is eye catching. What will be the pricing?


The red is eye catching. What will be the pricing?

The Space Cherry is indeed eye catching. We're currently in the process of gathering all the necessary figures from our suppliers. Our aim is to share the prices in December so stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter. Your support is greatly appreciated. 🙏


The Space Cherry is indeed eye catching. We're currently in the process of gathering all the necessary figures from our suppliers. Our aim is to share the prices in December so stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter. Your support is greatly appreciated. 🙏

Thanks! I am subscribed. ☺️


THANK you!


Best of luck with your project 👍 I won’t subscribe though.



A moonphase would be very fitting!



A moonphase would be very fitting!

Thank you for participating in our survey! We are thrilled to have your input. 🙏


Beautiful piece 👌🏻💚


Beautiful piece 👌🏻💚

THANK you!