What about collecting do you enjoy more?

I’ve been collecting for 20 years now, I know of many here that have been collecting longer, but I’ve come to a realization…I enjoy the hunt far more than the catch. For many years I helped countless friends and family find their ideal watch for the best price available. The looking, the forums, the AD’s, and the dealers. I enjoyed talking to venders, negotiating, and even brokering deals. All to emerse myself into the hobby.

Don’t get me wrong, the purchasing of a new and/or novel time piece is oh so satisfying but I learned something over the years…once you have the watch the hunt is over. Yes, there is a hunny moon period for a time but then the itch returns. What has kept me at bay was helping others find their watches and all the work that went into it. It’s just so satisfying learning about the brands, about the person looking for a watch, and purchasing (as a proxy) what they were looking for.

So hence the poll, curious to see what the community enjoys more….hopefully I’m not alone and in need of therapy….(Picture is of two watches I searched, sourced, and purchased for my parents😋)

139 votes ·

Always been the hunt and the build!! For me …

But I do enjoy wearing my prey…


Always been the hunt and the build!! For me …

But I do enjoy wearing my prey…


Well put…very well put💪🏼😎


Nothing more exciting than watching the tracker as the delivery gets closer and closer. Unboxing is almost an anticlimax. 😂


Nothing more exciting than watching the tracker as the delivery gets closer and closer. Unboxing is almost an anticlimax. 😂

I’m doing that right now. It’s actually the reason for the post🤣


For me it's in the ownership of some objects that bring me great pleasure everytime I wear them, not the short term dopamine hit. I do enjoy the research, but for me I voted B , the catch.


My wishlist is down to only a couple of instantly buyable watches, the rest are going to require patience. So previously it was the catch and wearing them, but my future will be down to the chase.


I voted catch because that defines this year in watch collecting for me. I think that will move to hunt in 2024 as I get more refined in my searches.