I like to play a game when scrolling WRUW. It’s called What Would You Have. The object is simple, you get to pick any watch posted in the last two days. To make it more interesting, I play by the following rules:

  1. Your imaginary collection already has two grail watches of your choosing. This way the game can’t descend into a game of ‘scroll until you find an explorer/speedy/insert ubiquitous grail watch here…’

  2. The watch you choose can never be sold. So don’t hold out for the highest value item, pick one you like for more interesting reasons.

  3. You can only scroll down the list, not up. So it’s a case of ‘stick or twist’.

If you wanna play. Post a pic of your pick below with reasons and let me know what your 2 grail choices were.


  1. Daytona from @Adi365

My reason: Grail because its a Daytona!


2. Zenith from @Ichibunz

My reason: Grail because its 36000 vph chronograph baby


I'd have mine, that's why I got 'em 😅👍🏻