Rolex 1601

Blue 1601 datejust


Pure class. What a great, timeless design.


Classic Rolex. What else is there to say. Enjoy.




Very Nice watch!


Classically gorgeous.


What year is that? I have one that is similar. Someone on here made me question the authenticity of the dial because it lacks “T Swiss T” but your dial also does not seem to have it. Beautiful watch!


Yikes, about as clean as they come. Lovely vintage DJ


What year is that? I have one that is similar. Someone on here made me question the authenticity of the dial because it lacks “T Swiss T” but your dial also does not seem to have it. Beautiful watch!

1972, just confirmed it is there. Very hard to see at the very bottom.


1972, just confirmed it is there. Very hard to see at the very bottom.
