Asked chatGPT for a Hemingway story incorporating the IWC XV watch, did not disappoint!

Santiago sat in the stands of the bullfighting arena, his eyes fixed on the ring where the toreros and their prey would soon meet. He checked the time on his IWC Mark XV, the one he had bought with the money he had saved from working as a fishing guide. It was a simple watch, but it had served him well on his journeys across the sea.

He was waiting for the heiress he had met at a party, the one he secretly loved. She had told him she was going to the bullfight, and he had managed to get a ticket to the same event. He watched as the crowd grew, feeling increasingly nervous about seeing her.

Finally, he saw her enter the arena with a group of friends. She looked beautiful in her dress, her hair shining in the sun. But he noticed something else too - she was looking at the bullfighter, the one who was about to enter the ring. Santiago's heart sank as he watched her eyes follow the man's every move.

He felt a pang of jealousy as he saw her smile at the bullfighter, and his eyes flicked once again to his IWC Mark XV. He had always thought that the watch made him feel more confident, but at this moment, it felt like a reminder of all the time he had spent chasing something he could never have.

The bullfight began, and Santiago watched as the bullfighter expertly dodged the charging bull. The heiress was cheering, and Santiago couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment. He knew he would never be able to compete with the danger and excitement of the bullfight, but he couldn't help wishing he was the one in the ring.

As the fight ended, the heiress and her friends left the arena, and Santiago sat there for a moment, feeling lost. He looked at his watch one last time before getting up to leave. It was time to move on from the heiress and find his own adventure, one that didn't require bullfighting or fancy parties. He knew that his IWC Mark XV would guide him through whatever lay ahead, just as it always had.


Unbelievable, question? are people using this technology for school project and exams


Unbelievable, question? are people using this technology for school project and exams

Supposedly so


Does it do Bukowski? :)


Does it do Bukowski? :)

It would. Give it a try:

I found it best to give a few points to include in the story. For instance this is the prompt that I gave it for the Hemingway story:

How about a story in the style of Hemingway where our hero is waiting at a bull fight for an heiress he secretly is in love with, but she fancies the bull fighter and he checks the time on his IWC Mark XV