16610LV (OG Kermit) Vs 126711CHNR (New Rootbeer)

Time for another cage fight. Two watches enter the arena, only one leaves on your wrist. Looking at pricing at the moment, these two are not too far apart. Here is the challenge: you have been given 16,000 WC$ (it equates to the list price of the rootbeer in your currency, it can only be spent on watches and can't be horded). For this sum of money you can have a fresh from AD 126711CHNR rootbeer (box/papers/5 year manufacturer guarantee) or from reputably secondary dealer a used but very good/near mint 16610LV Kermit (not the flat four, but a box and papers model from the latter years of production), 2 year dealer guarantee. After you vote: 1. If neither option appealed, what watch (or watches) would you get instead for your WC$ (either reasonably available or otherwise at market price). 2. For AD watch, would the addition of a 1-2 year wait change your decision
68 votes ·

1 year watilist no, 2 year maybe ;)