GLYCINE Airpilot Dual Time - GL0448

So, I wanted another pilot watch in the collection and while I wasn't totally against a WW2-style A or B dial flieger, I wasn't overly interested in one, either. I recently had a limited edition Laco A dial that I sold, so why go back to that territory right away?

I thought about Glycine Airman's and while I was looking into those, noticed their Airpilot range, and how it felt like a modern take on the flieger. There were several styles, but I became quite taken with the dual time style where, folks, that's not a chrono - it's a second watch. I also dug the minutes around the dial, and the way the date displayed. So I went searching for a deal.

Ashford had this orange dial one (which was only released in September), for $189, with an additional 12% off, making it $167.19.  I think that's a ridiculous price for what was on offer, so even though I've never had an orange dial watch, I pulled the trigger.

On the wrist, you'll note I've replaced the bracelet for a FKM rubber waffle strap, and I reckon it looks great on it. I love the dual time feature and, most surprising of all, I actually like looking down and seeing the orange dial. Maybe it's because it's new and that will wear off, but right now, I can't stop looking at it.

Great design. Amazing price. Really happy with it.
