Hello WatchCrunch!

I'm NautiCoddi.  I am a bit of a watch nut and judging by everyone's posts, I think I found the right place.  😜 I should also address my ape profile pic -> I am the founder of the Coddi Club, an NFT project that is focused on the watch community.  Why an NFT project?  Well, like a lot of you, the supply shortages and crazy prices took some of the fun out of watch collecting for me.  So, I thought creating a club where people select a crazy watch-wearing ape to represent them would be something fun and surprisingly it is! To connect our community, our club is also hosting events all over the world.  The first four events are in Dubai, Singapore, Austin, and Nassau, but we are already planning the next set.  I added the events to watchcrunch's meetup list. I will be at all the events and I would love to chance to meet you in person and have you join the Coddi Crew.  Feel free to DM me here or @coddiclub or @nauticoddi on insta if you are interested.  Looking forward to chatting with you here and getting to know you! Sincerely, NautiCoddi 


Oho, starting strong with the AP Nautilus there.

Welcome, welcome to Watch Crunch! 🍻


Great to have you here!!!!


Welcome and Enjoy!


Watch wearing ape avatar NFT global club meetings.

Stop the world.  I want to get off. 




Welcome to the WC. Enjoy!


Welcome to WC!!

