Just filled my first watch box

I didn’t think I’d do this anytime soon because I try not to buy anything unless I pass some kind of milestone or a new use case comes along… so obviously I got a couple I just wanted lol. Regardless every watch has a story for how I got it. Lmk what you think. Ask me anything if you’d like. Btw yes, I know 3 of them are dead. 1 it is not possible to change the battery, 1 has basically been replaced and I hold onto it for sentimental reasons, and 1 died a couple days ago and I haven’t yet gotten around to changing the battery.


Diggin' that Citizen! 👍


Diggin' that Citizen! 👍

Thanks! It was a gift from my girlfriend for finishing my first marathon at Disney world. She got it because I’m not super into Disney characters except for Oswald the Rabbit lol hence the dial