Holme & Fields The Legacy

Can't wait for this.. releasing early November 2023. What are your thoughts on it?


So i was gifted two watch containers a while back for my birthday. One was to display them and the other was just a regular watch box. I went with the watch box. I find a focus on storage works better for me space-wise. And i just personally don’t want to feel as if I’m subtly bragging or anything. That’s just me tho. If you like stuff like this, then hey more power to you. This one does look pretty nice, too.


Not sure I could buy a box that's more expensive than the watches in it. But looks lovely. 👍


I always like the simplicity of this style of watch box but the watches being placed (usually) on bare wood on the side of their cases was just odd to me. To see this one lined with some padding/ leather is a nice touch. If I didn’t already have a recent storage purchase, I could 100% see myself getting this.




I think their stuff is very nice looking but the posts are far too wide in diameter. Reviews on Amazon complain about not being able to close clasps if their wrists were in the 6.5” to 6.75” range.

FYI there are a couple of Etsy sellers who sell similar boxes with smaller posts for those in the IBWC


I want it


It is a nice watchbox and pretty affordable. For me, I want to use as much of the space as possible for watches, so the drawers are lost on me, but for a collection of 9 or less watches, it could be a nice way to store watches, tools, or straps.