Cleaning and changing Batteries of my Grandmother's watch

Finally, our hobby became temporarily relevant in my family and I could (semi-)professionally swap the battery and clean the watch in the process.

I hope my grandmother will be happy with the results and finally "can read the time without that damn cellphone".โŒš๐Ÿ˜‚

Do you have tips, tricks or life hacks what to check or maintain in a watch, if you have to open it anyway? Do you always change the gaskets in the process?

I'm keen to discuss with you in the comments.



Wear it like you stole it


My one tip is not to cheap out on batteries.


I've never changed a gasket. If you have silicone grease, feel free to slather a bit on the seal.

That little arrow is pointing to the stem release. Push that down while pulling crown if you need the movement out.


I've never changed a gasket. If you have silicone grease, feel free to slather a bit on the seal.

That little arrow is pointing to the stem release. Push that down while pulling crown if you need the movement out.

Thank you for the Insights. Maybe I'll do that to clean the case in an ultrasonic cleaner. ๐Ÿค”


I also have never changed a gasket, although I've been tempted when the gasket comes off and instantly turns into a tight little rubber coil that doesn't want to go back on again. An exception would be if your watch absolutely has to be under water and/or you can see that the gasket has deteriorated. Otherwise, I let sleeping gaskets lie.

Use plastic tweezers and don't touch the coil when doing a battery change.

I have 21 quartz watches so I change my own batteries whenever possible. It still makes me nervous. I'm not the most dextrous guy and everything's so tiny. I have a few pop-offs and a few screw-downs that are too tight for me to get them off and I've had to take them to a watchmaker. And I have one watch where I can see no tab, notch or any way to get the caseback off. I should be annoyed at this, but the watch in question is Mademoiselle Tissot, my elegant Everytime Large dress watch, who flouts convention, disregards all rules, and gets away with it Everytime because she has such a pretty face. There's a lesson in there somewhere.