Quick question …

Apologies if this isn’t the place to post a question but, how are some of you adding multiple photos to one post? Doesn’t seem possible from the app…

Photo of my Batman from a few days ago, amazing watch!


Use the website


I didn't used the app yet.

It might have some issues may be.


I returned to the website because the app cannot enlarge the picture unless I open the post directly and then open the picture and only then I'm able to enlarge it. It's tedious when I just want to enlarge some watches for details so I have to do the triple process. If you like to upload more pictures just add them in the body (text) field


I returned to the website because the app cannot enlarge the picture unless I open the post directly and then open the picture and only then I'm able to enlarge it. It's tedious when I just want to enlarge some watches for details so I have to do the triple process. If you like to upload more pictures just add them in the body (text) field

Brilliant, thank you! That works!