Anyone still reading watch magazines?

Just curious - in our digital age, do people still read printed watch magazines? Share yours if you do :)

I am personally subscribed to Europa Star and buy anything I can find in English when travelling around Europe. I know it doesn't make much sense as I can find more free content on web, but there's still something special about seeing new watches and read articles in traditional magazine over a cup of morning coffee or long train ride without need to google anything and stick to screen...


ive been wanting to start collecting vintage watch ads! Something about old advertisements capture what the watch was meant to represent in the time it existed!


Absolutely. they are great.


I stopped reading the magazines years ago when most became advertorials in disguise.


I stopped reading the magazines years ago when most became advertorials in disguise.

yes, true. Many pages are just ads, but I guess they need ads revenue to stay in business so it is expected