Sounds like Click-Bait, but Improve your photography with $35 tool!

My neighbor just lent me a V-Flat light cone and the improvements are very noticeable. There’s no financial gain for either of us, I just thought I’d pass this on to my fellow watch photographers.

I positioned two LED panels outside the cone, put the watch and the phone inside the cone, and voice-activated the camera.

The first set of photos are two unedited, uncropped, RAW photos without the cone and with the cone. As you can see, the cone diffuses the light and removes harsh shadows and reflections. The second set of photos are cropped so you can see how the cone diffuses the light.

I was amazed that the shadows cast by the watch hands almost disappears when the cone is used.

This is probably something you can try to make yourself, but for $35, I’m willing to save myself time and effort.


Post the link to the item. Would love to improve my photography skills…


Post the link to the item. Would love to improve my photography skills…


It’s literally a cone…sorry but


Are you thinking you could achieve the results with a milk jug?

Cuz I am...


Are you thinking you could achieve the results with a milk jug?

Cuz I am...

I’ll have to wait til the kids finish the next jug to find out. I have recessed lighting in the house so anything to diffuse the light would help.


Like I said, it’s not worth my time. If you watch the video from the guy who created it, he spent a lot of time trying out various translucent materials to get the smoothest result. But I’d love to see the results you get with a milk jug


All the crunchers dogs after finding out about this cone. 😂🤣🤣
