Photography challenge

I love taking pictures of my watches and this Zelos Mako with the Carbon Raindrop dial looked so at home in the forest. That domed Saphire made reflections sooooo hard to deal with though. I’m sure a polorizing filter would work on my Sony, but how do you deal with reflections for those candid shots?


I guess it depends on the definition of “candid”. If it’s just place the watch in a cool spot and snap a pic, reflections are part of its candid nature.

If you want something a little more staged lighting wise, you can carry a folded sheet of parchment paper (the heaviest you can get) with you to use as a diffuser.

If you need it, you can unfold the parchment and hold it in the best position for the shot. A little tweaking position wise and some parchment goes a long way!


I guess it depends on the definition of “candid”. If it’s just place the watch in a cool spot and snap a pic, reflections are part of its candid nature.

If you want something a little more staged lighting wise, you can carry a folded sheet of parchment paper (the heaviest you can get) with you to use as a diffuser.

If you need it, you can unfold the parchment and hold it in the best position for the shot. A little tweaking position wise and some parchment goes a long way!

That’s a great idea. I ended up putting this one under my baseball cap to block out all the reflections, but that probably would work way better.


That’s a great idea. I ended up putting this one under my baseball cap to block out all the reflections, but that probably would work way better.

Don’t laugh, but I have thought about getting one of those umbrella hats, and swapping out the rain umbrella for a diffuser umbrella! Only my last shreds of dignity have stopped me so far…


Don’t laugh, but I have thought about getting one of those umbrella hats, and swapping out the rain umbrella for a diffuser umbrella! Only my last shreds of dignity have stopped me so far…

I can dig it.




You aren’t kidding. I have models that I like more than others, but thier dials and finishing is incredible regardless of model.


With your other hand, hold a small black notebook above the watch to block the light source causing the glare. ;)


Great photo shot!