Visiting the folks early for Christmas and received this interesting and beautiful "1920's Retrograde" Stauer watch!

Always such cool and interesting pieces in your WRUW posts! Love seeing these! 🍻


Always such cool and interesting pieces in your WRUW posts! Love seeing these! 🍻

That's a nice thing to say, brother, thank you! 🙏


Goodness gracious me, that is a beautiful timepiece! 🤩


@GullibleAndroid , @TalkingDugong here it is in action, changing from 10:59 to 11:00:


@GullibleAndroid , @TalkingDugong here it is in action, changing from 10:59 to 11:00:


That’s really cool. I’d be looking forward to the top of the hour throughout the day!

Friend: “Hey, it’s just about noon, wanna go grab some lu…”

Me: “shhhh!! My watch is about to do the thing!!!!”


That’s really cool. I’d be looking forward to the top of the hour throughout the day!

Friend: “Hey, it’s just about noon, wanna go grab some lu…”

Me: “shhhh!! My watch is about to do the thing!!!!”

I was doing that on the drive home! 🤣


Very cool 😎