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1 year ago
Little Rock
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commented on According to recent polls 📊 ·

You have it about right most days or should I say most people. That's the thing about statistics, they will be correct most of the time for most of the people.

I'm usually above 5k but not much. And I  certainly not normal/typical. 

commented on Let's talk about feelings 🐩 ·

Thank you for the reminder my friend. We all know these things but get caught in the circumstances of it all as you suggest. 

commented on Are YouTube channel celebs in touch with reality? ·

I usually like long form videos but I can't seem to sit through an entire episode with these guys (AET).

Their takes don't bother me. I don't enjoy the randomness of it all. 

commented on Compliments in the wild... is there a protocol? ·

Car, yes. Jewelry, no.

I get compliments on my truck all the time. I literally never expect to be at risk because of it. If I'm in my hometown (not a city) I never mind a watch mention.

commented on Compliments in the wild... is there a protocol? ·

Yeah, that's not cool. There is no reason to whisper something like that. If he said "hey I saw a little savage that must belong to you pulling TP off the roll in the bathroom", that would be whisper-worthy. 

commented on MilesPro's WRUW ·

Believe it or not this is my first Omega. I consider it in the jewelry category because legibility is not it's strong suit. 

commented on That happened fast 🐆 ·

I'm guessing you will be very happy with this selection. You won't have to worry about this one cracking.