I never used to be into strap changes. But, nowadays it's almost a necessity to have decent options.

Same strap (Erika's Original White MN Strap as in my last post), different watch (Serica 5303-1). Just checking out the potential different effect the strap may have when paired with another watch. One of several ways to get a summertime vibe on wrist with my watches.


Nice strap for the watch, but also nice bezel. I have never seen a dual function bezel before, but very nice combo to have 😊


Nice strap for the watch, but also nice bezel. I have never seen a dual function bezel before, but very nice combo to have 😊

Thanks. Yes, technically you might even considered a three function bezel if you use the last 15 hash marks as a countdown


Thanks. Yes, technically you might even considered a three function bezel if you use the last 15 hash marks as a countdown

Yeah i see that, WILD! 🤯😊