Resurrected crazy watch person

Greeting all. Glad to say I am officially back to watch collecting in an obsessed but good way. I started out in the 80’s and 90’ with a still favorite Casio. About a month ago I decided to pull out my old watches, replace the batteries and never look back. Now my head spins with all the watch options available today. At the moment I am living in the sub $500 watch world thanks to kids, college, weddings and a wife who gives me a dirty look every time a package comes in my name. I am going to showcase some of my vintage pieces and the occasional Ali Express purchase that at the moment has scratched my watch itch.


Welcome to WC, I think you'll find some like-minded individuals here.


I love to hear of one shopping their closet, so to speak.


Wedding S ? Man, shouldn t do that. No wifey, no dirty looks, more money and time. Seems like a win/ last for one of you🤣


Wedding S ? Man, shouldn t do that. No wifey, no dirty looks, more money and time. Seems like a win/ last for one of you🤣

I hear you. If I could do it all over again. Knowing what I know now….I would have never stopped buying watches🤑


Welcome, I look forward to see your collection.


Welcome to WC! Enjoy!