Speedmaster X33... trade or not?

Hunted for almost two years... but finally when I found one, I realise my X33 lays in the box most of the time. Think i preffer simpler design with max 4 hands with no distractions around... Fighting with myself... trade or not to trade...


Trade! If you don't wear it much, that means there's a major "opportunity cost." Every moment that you're not wearing that new watch you could trade for is a moment that will never come back to you!


Trade it.

That next watch on your wrist might just be your favorite.


I'm really happy I sold 6 of my watches that I liked and bought two that I like even more.


Sounds like you don't love it anymore.

Time to say Thank You and Goodbye.


If your feeling that way, sounds like you are getting ready for a trade. Hmmmmm...just do it!

Good luck!



Keep it - and let this be a reminder to you