I promise that this is the last one of my Cooper for a while! It's just ended up being my go to work day watch lately. I promise, as well, that I am actually wearing it today and not just taking photos to share. It just worked better with the lighting in my workspace to take a quick shot of it on its own is all ๐Ÿ˜


Dude, it's a great watch and I guarantee there is no one policing you wearing the same watch or pics not being a wrist shot. Just please don't post product images from the brand or retailer websites.


Dude, it's a great watch and I guarantee there is no one policing you wearing the same watch or pics not being a wrist shot. Just please don't post product images from the brand or retailer websites.

Ewwwwwww! That's definitely something I wouldn't ever do. All shots are taken by me in whatever place I happen to be with the watch featured. ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for the positive words about the watch. I am loving it!