The lesser evil

I'm not a great admirer of strap adapters because they are not exactly a beauty enhancer for any watch, but sometime they are the only way to fit a decent strap to a watch that desperately need an upgraded strap, such as my GM-S5600, aka the BlingMaster.


The original plastic strap is a crime against humanity, but with no alternatives from Casio and due to the reduced size of its case I was pretty much stuck since straps made for full sized squares didn't fit correctly.

My choices were either to keep the original sweat collecting device or fit the watch with adapters that will enable me to use some of my 20mm straps, I could also decide not to wear the GM-S5600, but I happen to like it despite its terrible negative display and the blingy scratch prone case.


As far as adapters go, the J&K are not too bad. At least it wasn't a chore to fit them in and the supple FKM tropic strap is a welcome change.

Being black they do restrict me in the choice of straps I can use, but I have to admit that they are barely noticeable after I fitted the tropic.


I also took some time to polish the case and bezel with some Cape Cod polish cloth and now that it's back to full bling I'll have to be careful not to blind myself due to reflections. OTOH, I might not need a mirror when I'll shave so there is that too.


The strap looks great. I can appreciate them from the photos. Just a heads up though I am completely biased. I’m a big fan of the carbon fiber look. I even included it in my WRUW yesterday.

Anyways great pair up Claude.


I got some Jay's and Kay's adapters too, pretty good! The black ones go great with your watch. A metal mesh strap might be good for that too, just go full shiny.


The adapter being the same color as case or strap is pretty essential based on what I've seen. The less attention this solely functional device draws to itself, the better. I can't recall ever seeing one that was a non-matching color that looked right.