I wonder if my dentist will be impressed

I'm off to the dentist today, which is raising the issue of what watch to wear since I don't want to give her any ideas about financing her next car.

But my self dignity can't allow me to go there with a cheapy. After if one has to suffer, then one has to suffer in style.


I think that the Smiths PRS-25 will be a good compromise. It doesn't look cheap, it's not ostentatious and it has its own charm.


I'm sure that it doesn't really matter since I'll be stepping out of her practice with more money in my jaw than on my wrist, but you can't really impress anyone on WRUW by flashing a molar.


Once I had wisdom teeth, now I have a Wise watch. I'd love to treat myself to a new watch after a visit to the dentist, but my wallet says it's either one thing or the other.


Dentist's & Vets are one step up from robbers imho.