Wear a watch to bed?

Who wears one while they sleep? Apple Watch doesn’t count.


Nope, sits on my nightstand for the morning👍🏻


Yes, G-Shock. Note I'm horizontal right now.


I do. It’s easier than twisting and turning to see the alarm clock on my nightstand.


No. Don't want or need to know the time while I'm sleeping


I like waking up from a nap and taking a disoriented look at my watch, but if I'm getting into bed for the night I'll take it off.




I do






It depends on the watch. If it's small and light enough, maybe.


I do.


Yes, pretty much every night since the mid 1980's.

Blummin' weird not to 🤔


Yes i do! This is where my Garmin comes in (to track my sleep).😊


Yes, pretty much every night since the mid 1980's.

Blummin' weird not to 🤔



Nope. Unless camping or something like that.