Travelling with Ternagers: A Guide to Packing for the End of the World

I am traveling with my 16 year-old and my 14 year-old. We are out for this weekend: about eight hours by car away from home.

Are Cufflinks Overdressed?

We are three, but ...


Moreover I know of eight fountain pens, five ball pens, three Swiss army knives, four FFP2 masks, ...

With the extra gear and gadgets in our EDCs and our luggage we carry basic equipment for the apocalypse with us ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Plesse tell me, that you and your family are a bit on the crazy side when traveling, like us ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.




I wish mine was in the only watch enthusiast my brother would be next but not half as crazy as I am about them.




My kids bring their own pillows and stuffed animals. I have a 6 pack of RedBull. You win sir


My wife & 17 year old bring their own pillows & blankets.

I bring a couple watches, a Leatherman, 3 spare batteries for phone charging, a pen, some survival gear that will help one of the three of us, a small first aid kit, and photo gear I won't have time to use.


Wherever I go, I plan on walking at least partway home. Let your imagination run wild with what I take with me! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚