Large Collection Storage

I know many of us have large collections, think more than one watch for every day of the month. How are you storing them? Have you found a nice solution that allows you to hold most of them together? This isn’t to debate the need for a high number of watches, that ship long sailed for those like me.

Right now I have a nice custom box that stores 20 and accessories from Deiftrichs. I then have a couple Worn and Wound Tool Box’s that store 12 a piece, then random stragglers, you see where this is going? I’d love to have one that can support at least 50, that isn’t a makeshift/cheap solution (Pelican case, converted dresser, etc).

Anyone have something they really like? Trying to avoid something like a Heindl or Brown safe, because who wants a 1500+lb safe in their bedroom? I’ve thought of having one of the excellent wood workers on Etsy craft something, but curious if anyone has found a better, slightly more elegant, solution? 


Thanks! I appreciate you sharing those. I have seen similar cases, but honestly trying to avoid inexpensive private label/dropshipped solutions from wish or alibaba. Ideally I’m trying to find a box/display that could sit/display nicely in a room and is in-line quality wise with the watches it holds. Something that uses real wood, quality hardware, if handmade that’s a plus. For example, I love the stuff that N&N makes, but their highest count is 40 and it is a flat suitcase style, which takes up a lot of room. Transporting them isn’t a need so a suitcase or Pelican style solution doesn’t work in that regard. The second one you shared is closer style wise, just not quite the right look or quality.

I am hoping for someone who has perhaps found a great wood worker they’ve used, or even a company that is known for making quality large capacity boxes. I know it’s a niche ask, but I’m sure I’m not the first to try and solve for this.


I have a TAWBURY Large Watch Box The box looks great and is also inexpensive. 


I would think a case that holds 50pcs or more is going to be quite heavy, especially if the material is made of good quality solid wood. And with the weight of the watches in it, i imagine it is going to be heavy. Not 1500lbs of course, but inconvenient to say the least. Just my 2-cents.But, if it suits your needs, then by all means.

I don’t have as many watches, so I just have 2 biometric leather suitcases - one for 21 and the other smaller one for 15. They are from a local brand in Singapore - Orient Crown. Good quality products but a little pricey. But I love the cross-stitch leather design and the overall quality.





They have other products as well. but I have a feeling that it may not be what you’re looking for. sorry if I couldn't be of much help. 

cheers! 🍻


Thank you!  I know I can do a case, plenty of options there, but looking more so for a case/display. Never more than one leaves the house, so portability is not really a big factor.