Rolex Gmt Master 6542

Today's focus is on an ultra-vintage model, the Rolex GMT 6542 🔵🔴 The first Rolex 6542 was produced in 1955 with a so-called "Bakelite" bezel, this thick domed bezel was discontinued due to a cracking problem (replaced by a metal bezel). It was also discontinued following a controversy in the United States, when a customer sued Rolex claiming that radioactivity in the bezel of his 6542 had caused him cancer⌚


Yeah the story is interesting. I wish Rolex lumed the modern ones. Thankfully San Martin has made a couple versions of recreations of the first-gen Pepsi GMTMs. They use a lumed sapphire insert and have fauxtina and regular options.

(FYI in English it should be “,” as a thousands separator or the international format of a non-breaking space, e.g. “€70,000”; “€70 000”).