1947 and still kicking.. ticking . Hasn’t been serviced since its birth as far as I’ve been told . Grand father’s retirement watch . And considering no one in America( omega included ) will touch it and since Omega wants 1500$ to send it to Switzerland before even looking at it and still may not service it …


You Definitely should be able to find someone in your state to service your Omega. Good Luck .


It is a Stunning Watch .


Beautiful, classy 👌



You Definitely should be able to find someone in your state to service your Omega. Good Luck .

anything pre 1995 no one certified is allowed . Not sure why that ‘s in place . Maybe watchmakers would , but it’s not my first choice … i’m not crazy about waiting either but there’s no great option …


Beautiful, classy 👌




It is a Stunning Watch .

thank you!