Inside the violent world of London's luxury watch thieves | BBC News

More than £50m worth of watches were reported stolen in London, UK in 2022, according to a Metropolitan Police FOl.

In the first six months of 2023 alone, 3,190 watches were reported stolen in the capital according to the Met

- with a fifth of the thefts involving violence against the victim.

With many luxury watches having serial numbers on them - making them easy to trace - it is known that a lot of the timepieces make it out of the country to places such as Paris, Romania and Dubai.

In a BBC Three documentary, journalist Tir Dhondy explores the underground world of luxury watch thefts and how the gangs operate.


Oh noes! Not only do they bonk you on the head, but they then take your precious watch to vile foreign locales full of heathenistic barbarians who will wear your watch and eat greasy crisps and complain about how it doesn't keep as good time as their skmei watches.

Or worse, France!