Zelos Aurora Field Ti. First zelos, first titanium watch. Has been a pretty good watch to bring on trips and around water.


#zelos has some amazing faces. I really enjoy their yellow watch faces, but that star dust pattern is on a whole other level. One might even say... out of this world... 😆


#zelos has some amazing faces. I really enjoy their yellow watch faces, but that star dust pattern is on a whole other level. One might even say... out of this world... 😆

Ive always wanted one of the aventurine dials but I was not lucky enough to get one. This one is spot on though, the yellow second hand gives it a nice final touch


Ive always wanted one of the aventurine dials but I was not lucky enough to get one. This one is spot on though, the yellow second hand gives it a nice final touch

It would be interesting to see them do a face that is essentially a large version of their logo, but with a Z done up like slashes like Zorro in a cool color scheme.


Ive always wanted one of the aventurine dials but I was not lucky enough to get one. This one is spot on though, the yellow second hand gives it a nice final touch

There’s one for sale at realidealgear.com