Topics / #son


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4 posts

"Can I wear your Jack?" 😅 ♥️

Tonight my 11 year old asked if he could "wear my Jack" to his school's western-themed dance. Heck yeah you can kiddo . Love u lil man, my lil Crunchi...

Son's New Orient

Just sent my youngest son his Birthday gift Orient Mako. He's really happy with it. He also received his first watch box with it. His watch journey ha...

Polished-up a gift from my boy when he was a youngster.

I think it’s universal that a gift from a loved one holds a wealth of intrinsic value despite what it cost. An uncontested example for me is this Chro...

what just happened?

early this week I took delivery of my very awesome LumTec Solar Marine II meaning to do a deep dive into the watch itself… but guess what?!? i just go...