Topics / #rabbithole


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7 posts

What are these things?

Really though, watches, who the hell decided that such scientific manifestations should be so subjectively alluring and beautiful at the same time? Th...

What’s your Origin Story? The Watch That Started it All.

I’ve loved watches most of my adult life, albeit affordable watches you could find in Walmart/the mall. Nearly 15 years ago I picked up a Timex Expedi...

What are your favourite Watch Clichés?

Inspired, mostly, by YouTube videos. Here are a few of my favourite watch clichés. I'm sure I'm missing lots. So please contribute. Fell down the rabb...

Three watch collection & my quartz digital crisis

Hi there WC community! This is my first post and wanted to show you my small three watch collection and share a bit of a dilemma with you all. When it...

The Second Iteration of the Watch that Finally Trapped Me in the Rabbit Hole

I guess that I have been in the rabbit hole long before I realized that I am in there. My journey started in primary school with mechanical watches (I...

Infectious - Snippets of Familiy Watch Life

<ME sitting in my room in my wing chair, reading a book. SON bumps into the room.> SON: Dad! ME <Still reading the book>: Hm ...? SON: I h...

Collection spotlight: Bering - The one that started it all!

On this second instalment of my collection spotlight, I present you my Bering watch. It's not my first watch, but it's the one that made me get into t...