Father's Day NWA, Wabi-sabi and Ramblings.....Or Why I Stopped Worrying About Scratches and Learned to Love Acrylic/Hesalite

Long post, full of random rambling, thoughts, pictures and some watch talk. You've been warmed......

So for Father's Day this year, my wife surprised me with a Timex Q GMT. I've been eyeing it for awhile, and just waiting for my usual modus operandi of finding a good deal used using WatchRecon. Been a long year, lots of change, and at times my work schedule has been crazy, and I'm gone a lot.

This doesn't even begin to describe the insanity of having a toddler, bebopping around along with a lab entering/leaving her terrible twos 😂. (On a side note, my wife is one heckuva woman for putting up with what is essentially a household of three kids...a toddler....a juvenile lab.....and me...... #sketchy-dude)

When I'm able to be around the house, I realize I wouldn't trade any of this sleepless, crazy, insanity for anything. In fact, as I sit here, hiding in my closet, with a little hand knocking on the door, so I can type this post (parents I'm sure you know what I mean), I realize this right here, is my reason. My shire, to keep safe if you will.

Lofty ideals, career goals, greater good, etc, etc, etc. Words on a page, and sentiments to be held for sure. But they don't matter. Faith and Family do.

But I digress, this is a watch forum after all, so enough rambling....

I finally had some free time yesterday, during nap time, to set about sizing my Father's Day gift. (Don't judge lol, bath time is more important, and after that backrubs for Mrs. Solidyetti, then evening PT sesh, then sleep. 🤪🫠).

Back to the watch, sorry not sorry.

Anyway, I have to say, this is one sweet little GMT. Pepsi Bezel with the black enamel dial, and the greenish lume tinge, size is perfect and actually the bracelet is super comfortable. (Side note, I hope a Forstner Komfit fits. Eventually going to get around to ordering one and I think it will look awesome!) And most importantly my favorite crystal of all, DOMED ACRYLIC!

Why you might ask?

It has awesome distortion, love the warmth it brings to a dial, and most importantly, gives me confidence to wear the dang thing. If it gets scratches, fine. If they are actually in the way of readability, Polywatch, some elbow grease and about 4.567838374 seconds, and voila back to new. And I also gain one HUGE advantage. My watch tells a story of how it has been worn.

No sooner had I put it on to test fit, when a simple chore popped up.

We go through a lot of laundry of shop towels. I use them frequently for cleaning firearms, wiping up spills, changing oil, impromptu bandages for cut fingers, playing fetch with the dog inside (balls tend to break things), etc.

Well a batch of shop towels had finished drying, and needed to be folded. I went and got them, and as I tried to inevitably grab ALL of them at once, AND keep them from spilling out of my hands at the same time....CLANG! Watch crystal had a direct impact on side of the dryer hatch.

Soon as it happened, knew there would be a scratch, and YUP! Sure enough, nice little scratch around the 5'o'clock going up to near the GMT QUARTZ lettering.

Years ago, back when I first started getting into watches, I made a conscious, daily decision to wear and use my watch. It was tough. Not gonna lie. My Mako Gen I was my first "expensive" watch. I just kept on wearing it, and going about facing whatever the day had in store. (Not saying wear an analog diver at all times, use the correct tool for the job, FYI.)

So, back to the present. My first thought was, whelp, it's broken in now lol. Second was, man I'm really starting to enjoy the peace of mind of Acrylic/Hesalite, since I can erase scratches in a jiffy. Third was maybe I'll Polywatch this, it is literally fresh out of the box. In reality that didn't happen, for as I was plopping the huge armful of shop towels down on the bed to fold, heard the beautiful sound of tiny feet pitter-pattering behind me and a tiny voice saying with arms stretched up, "Hold you?".

Needless to say scratch is still there a day later, y'all enjoy what really matters, and use your tools! 😊🤘🏻🤙🏻😎

The damage:





The reason with our Lab creepin in the background: (don't usually post pics, but, IMO she's adorable (I'm biased) and her face is obscured enough with her outfit of choice 😎)


PS - If anyone knows a trick to get ALL of the dryer contents out into your arms without dropping stuff all over the place, I'm all ears....🤪🫠


Lovely peek into a day in the life and a reminder that sapphire ain't all that & a bag of chips.

2 options for you on the laundry:

1) place large clean towel on top of dried load, flip tumbler, gather towel corners and remove.

2) laundry basket on floor, scoop laundry into basket.

Of course if you have a stackable & dryer is on top, neither may work for you.


Lovely peek into a day in the life and a reminder that sapphire ain't all that & a bag of chips.

2 options for you on the laundry:

1) place large clean towel on top of dried load, flip tumbler, gather towel corners and remove.

2) laundry basket on floor, scoop laundry into basket.

Of course if you have a stackable & dryer is on top, neither may work for you.

Gonna try No. 1. 🙏!

No. 2 would work, but inevitably the extra hamper is either full of more dirty laundry, or has magicked itself outside and/or hidden somewhere, now full of leaves, flowers, and whatever else can be "thrown in tash"...🫣😂


Enjoyable read, thanks for sharing your personal life. I agree with @UnholiestJedi , a "lovely peek."

The watch...I'm not in need for a GMT in my collection as of yet, but that looks really good, a well-balanced, clean design. Kind of like the love child of a Rolex GMT and a PRX.

Your title was funny and immediately recognizable, well done! 👍 I have no problem with acrylic crystals, for the same reasons you specified. They clean up so nicely...

Can't comment on the dryer quandary, my lovely wife does mine. God bless her. ❤ And God bless your wonderful family.


Thanks for sharing, what a great read! Keep on trucking with the family, the kiddos just get more fun the more they grow. Also, I love the Strangelove reference, so kudos for that.